From August to December of 2022, SMART was a partner organization of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Monkeypox Virus Awareness & Prevention Partnership (MAPP). On February 1st of 2023, New York City declared the Mpox outbreak to be over. Below is our documentation of SMART’s participation in MAPP.

SMART is proud to be a partner organization of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Monkeypox Virus Awareness & Prevention Partnership (MAPP). We have been tasked with deploying proactive outreach and engagement in communities most at risk for Monkeypox Virus (MPV ) infection. The goals of the these activities are to help stem the current outbreak and address inequities in health care access and outcomes through 1) raising awareness about the virus and local prevention, testing, and care options that are affirming and non-stigmatizing; and 2) connecting community members to services including vaccination appointments through navigation. 

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